Craftsmen Machinery

Welcome to Craftsmen Machinery Company's Website

Craftsmen Machinery was founded in Boston more than 75 years ago.  Through the years we haven’t moved far from our roots and goals.  We were then and are still today specialists in the manufacturing and distribution of high quality equipment.  You can look most anywhere in the world and find a Craftsmen machine in the Graphic Arts, Newspaper or even the Gaming and Business Equipment industries.

We serve with pride, integrity and efficiency four distinct industries. 

  • Overseas Newspapers

  • Domestic Commercial & Hobby Printers

  • Domestic Office Equipment Users

  • Worldwide Casinos and Gaming  Venues

Craftsmen Machinery Co., Inc. | 1257 Worcester Road, Unit 167 | Framingham, MA 01701
Mailing Address: Craftsmen Machinery Co., Inc. | P.O. Box 2006 | Framingham, MA 01703
Phone: (508) 376-2001 FAX: (508) 376-2003